Noises that plague my life

Hello! So this is going to be a short entry but i just wanted to talk about the annoying sounds that plague my life. A couple of weeks ago when i was in the hospital i got to experience the variety of annoying sounds that exist there. What with the multiple pumps and alarms, its a wonder i got any sleep at all. Once i got home i expected it all to stop. But then my home pump started acting up, beeping all the time. Also my alarm clock was acting up as well. Basically i was slowly being driven over the edge. If you have ever dealt with a faulty smoke detector then you know that it doesn't take long for you to become desperate when something is beeping at you. Make it 3 o'clock in the morning and add dehydration and complete exhaustion to the equation and lets just say if my dad hadn't come in to help, i would have begun to cry. Alarms have slowly become the bane of my existence. Its probably just me being a teenager and wanting more sleep, but still! That was just a little rant about the annoying alarms that have been affecting my sleep patterns lately. I knows its not the most important part about having a medical condition but i just felt the need to rant about the noises that are causing me to go INSANE! bye!


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