The NPO Diaries: Recovery

Hello everyone and hurray! I am allowed to eat! Yesterday the doctors did my procedure and once i woke up and recovered from it and the anesthesia, i was given the ok to eat. I think i managed to eat 30 packs of saltines before i was able to get regular food. I ate a sandwich and some cheerios and then my dad and me walked over to the restaurant across the street so we could get some rice and tofu. Ever since i was little rice and tofu had been a favorite comfort food of mine. Its easy on my stomach and it is delicious.
Yesterday and today have been days filled with homework and boredom. The only reason i am here now is to adjust my TPN and fluids. I eat a lot of crackers, walk around the floor and work on homework. I've gotten a pretty large amount of homework done, but it's still pretty boring.
In fact the craziest, most exciting part of my day is when i take my medications. I am currently taking 7 different daily pills and 4 liquids. I am also currently on a pill that is a supplement of pancreatic enzymes to help me absorb things better. I have to take 1 with every snack and 2 with everything bigger. Every time i want to eat a couple crackers, i have to take some. I guess i shouldn't complain. I mean, people with Diabetes have to give themselves a shot every time they eat. But it is definitely a bit of a nuisance. But i would do anything if they would just let me leave.
I miss my family. My parents have been coming and visiting me every day but my little sister has been busy with school and was only able to come once on Sunday. It's funny how much i miss being able to laugh at commercials with my sister. I keep making funny comments about a commercial and then half expecting her to crack-up. I miss my friends. They have been texting me but it can very difficult to keep up to date with them while I'm here because they are at school all day. I miss my school and teachers and i really miss my room. I am tired of the boring hospital room that i am currently living in. There are no pictures or posters on the wall and there are no bookshelves to browse when you don't want to do homework anymore.
Anyway, i hope everyone is having a good week and have been enjoying my more frequent posts. I'm not if sure you all noticed the changes to the blogs layout but it basically makes it easier to stay up to date with the blog. I have a facebook page and a twitter feed so excuse me while i plug myself,  Please leave comments, like and subscribe to this post and the blog and like and follow me on facebook and twitter. Have a wonderful day and rest of the week. Aloha!


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