To catch Y'all up

Hey Everybody! So remember how last week i said i was going to try to post short posts every other day? And then remember how i didn't? Sorry about that. Making up school work and finishing my antibiotics has made me so busy that i have barely had any time to myself.
So to get everybody up to date about 3 weeks ago i was in the hospital for a line infection. I woke up the Sunday before the end of Spring Break in the middle of the night with a fever of 103.6. We were worried but i took some Tylenol and when the fever went down, i went back to sleep.
DO NOT DO THIS! I was really tired and i really did not want to get up and have to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night. This was a bad plan. So many things could have gone wrong and really the best thing i could have done for myself was gotten to the emergency room as fast as possible in order to get some antibiotics. If you are told to come to the emergency room if you have a fever over 102, go. No matter what. The infection could have gotten really bad in a very short time. Anyway, enough telling you about how wrong that was, lets continue.
The next day me and my dad got all packed up and we drove up to Georgetown. I hadn't taken another Tylenol yet so while i was in the car my fever was slowly spiking. After arriving i was so shaky that i was completely wrapped in sweatshirts and blankets and looked like an Eskimo. By going during the day i was able to go to the clinic and go from there, straight to my inpatient room in the hospital. The next two days were filled with high fevers (104 or higher), chills, antibiotics, Tylenol, Motrin, and lots of sleep.
After a couple days i was able to walk around a bit but the type of infection that i got hit me really hard. I was completely exhausted for a while and when i tried walking too much, my vision got funny and i would get a headache and backache. After i had been there for 3, almost 4, days the doctors decided that infection was sticking too much to my line. therefore they made the decision to pull it.
Friday night saw me down in the OR for the surgical removal and replacement of my line. I woke up late that night and after a 15 hour observation period was allowed to go home on Saturday.
My arm and neck hurt where they had to access the line but i was healed pretty quickly and other then my two different types of antibiotics that i had to take/infuse till this past Saturday, my recovery was fast.
I am now back at school and am trying to make up all my work as fast as i can while also trying to study like crazy for my upcoming AP tests and exams.
If anything from this post is important, its this: DO NOT STAY AT HOME IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG!  I was tired and the Tylenol brought my temperature down but that is not a good excuse. The second i noticed the fever i should have packed and immediately gone to the hospital.
Anyway i hope everybody i having an awesome week and i promise to post soon. I have some great topics to talk about that i have been saving until i had a chance to write them all down.
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