What to do when you feel crummy

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well. I thought today I would talk about when you're not feeling well. When your not able to just continue on with your day and you have to take the time to let your body rest.
Throughout my whole life I have many different periods of not feeling well. I have  had cramps and zero energy when I get dehydrated. I have had stomach aches that last for days. I have even had just days where getting out of bed is just not an option. But through all of it I have had to continue on with my life. I've had to continue thinking positively about the future and keep fighting because I know that eventually the pain or the sickness passes and your can enjoy your life again. 
One thing to remember when you are really not feeling well is to give your body a break. Take a day off to just lie in bed. Take the time to let your body heal and reenergize. Trying to fight through the pain is all well and good unless its going to make you feel worse in the long run. 
Another thing to remember is to treat yourself well. Watch some tv, buy some new music, drink your favorite type of tea. That little bit of happiness can do wonders for the way you feel. My favorite thing to do when I'm not feeling well is curl up on the couch and watch Netflix with a heat pack and a bottle of plain pedialyte. ( If you don't know what pedialyte is, it's a children's drink to combat dehydration. Most people think its disgusting but I have grown up drinking it and I actually enjoy the flavor... I know I'm weird ;) ) 
One last thing to remember when your sick or in pain is that you are allowed to ask for help! Call your parents, your brothers or sisters, your friends, your grandma. These people care about you and you don't have to face feeling this crummy on your own. Obviously they have their own busy schedules but just ask. Maybe they can grab you a bottle of ginger ale on the way home or make you a fresh bowl of chicken soup. Even the little things can work to make you feel a whole lot better. 
Just thought I'd post a little reminder for anyone out there not feeling one hundred percent. I'll be posting a slightly more specific blog about my condition soon so I thought I'd write something that everyone deals with first. 
I hope you are all enjoying summer. Only 8 more days till I leave for my big summer holiday!! Please give this blog a like and please subscribe and comment. Bye!


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