WTDWYFC: and your on vacation

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having great summers! 
I am currently in the UK!! It has been very fun so far. I went to the V&A museum to see a David Bowie exhibit and I have seen three cathedrals :) 
Even though I am enjoying my time immensely I am also unfortunately experiencing some form of stomach virus/intestinal thing that is making me not be able to eat and feel pretty crummy. Which is why I thought I would do this post and name it WTDWYFC (what to do when you feel crummy): and your on vacation. 
Unfortunately I don't have any end all remedy. I wish I did because feeling this way while you're trying to enjoy a cool place with family you don't get to see very often is very frustrating. But I can at least give some little tips to start out.
There are many frustrations that you face when you don't feel well and are on vacation. For one thing you aren't home. You can't go lie on your bed or drink some tea out of your mug or lie on your couch. Especially if you are staying with family. Don't get me wrong! I love my family! Staying with them on this holiday had been so fun. But another problem with being sick on vacation is that when you're sick you are grumpy and in pain and when staying with family (or strangers in hotels!) you can't just go lie down for three days straight. You have to go chat with them and have dinner and go sightseeing. And then comes in the biggest drag of feeling bad while on vacation, If you came all this way you want to do everything you can to enjoy and see the people or place you have come to visit. But because you aren't feeling well you have to miss out or drag the rest of the group back. It can be very annoying and make your sickness even more horrible. And even though pushing through it seems like the smart thing to do, it can make your illness last even longer. 
Also, On a slightly more ranty and petty side, it's just plain awkward when the waitress asks for what you like and you say nothing. They always ask if you're sure and then they say they can just get you something small and you are like please just go away and leave me to my misery but you have to be polite so you say no I'm really sure.
I want to clarify that I am having a lovely time and really enjoying Britain and its gorgeous countrysides and amazing old buildings. My family has been wonderful letting me chill at their house while my sis and parents go sightseeing. Everyone is being really understanding, it's just this stomach/intestinal thing has come at a very bad time and its irritating me. My sister and parents get to eat British food while I take probiotics and drink water. 
I realize this is less helpful hints and more complaining but I honestly don't have that many tips. Talk to your family so they know what's going on. Try to rest as much as possible. Don't push yourself too much but try not to miss out on anything to life changing. Go to the local drug store and try to find things to make you more comfortable. Stay hydrated!
I hope this helps someone, whether the tips actually help them feel better or they just can see that other people are going through the same thing. I am going to go try to rest before I head out sightseeing again. I hope you all have lovely days! As the British say, Cheerio!


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