Mergers, Mexican Food and Holidays

Hey everyone. It has been a really long time since I have posted because I have been extremely busy with school. I was in and out of school a couple of times with some intestinal things but I'm good now and am actually writing this on the plane ride to Los Angeles where I will be celebrating the holidays with my grandparents and cousins. 
One thing that has recently happened to me is my old medical care providers were purchased by a bigger company bringing lots of confusing changes. My medical care provider brings me everything. From the everyday stuff like alcohol wipes and saline to antibiotics ordered that day by my doctors. They have to be able to work with me every week to figure out what medical supplies I need. My old company was very customer service oriented and I had a really great pharmacist that knew a lot of my history. I knew that if I called him and told him that my pump had broken he would get me a new one by the end of day. I knew him well enough to be able to ask questions and know that he would strive to get me the best answer possible. Since the switch over I have changed pharmacists and am in the process of trying to build a relationship with a much bigger company. Another problem is that because I had such a good relationship with my old company, I already have a grudge against the new one. 
When I first moved to Maryland we were followed by a different company. This company was a bigger company and we sometimes had issues with customer service. It came to a head when they accidentally have us the wrong type of antibiotics, causing an allergic reaction. (shivers-vomiting-airway closing up) This is just another reason that I am a little hesitant about my new company. I'm sure anyone that has had a company bought out by another that they worked for or worked with probably feels the same way. Luckily my wonderful delivery guy is the same and let's us know how our old guys are doing. 
I hope you all have wonderful holiday breaks and that you eat tons of delicious food. I know I sure will :) of course I will be having lots of delicious foods whilst trying not to irritate my stomach. We are actually stopping for Mexican food on the way to my grandparents as soon as we land because we haven't had good Mexican food in ages!! I will be posting hopefully a little more regularly now that I'm on break and once exams are over. Ciao!
P.S Happy Christmas to those that celebrate and happy winter solstice to those that don't :D


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