Prom Tips

Hello everyone! So school is coming to an end and I finally have time to do things other than school work. I turn 18 tomorrow....? I am not really sure how to react to this upcoming life event. How is it possible that after all these years I am old enough to be 18? Other people can be 18, but me? I don't really feel like I should be able to make decisions about my life as an adult, but I guess i'll get used to it.
This past Friday was my schools prom. Now I have been to 3 school dances and all 3 times I am extremely exhausted, dehydrated, and almost sick the next day. So this time I decided to be prepared. I bought rehydration fluid and stayed hooked up to my IV all day. I ate small meals and was so hydrated that my prom recovery was greatly decreased. So for anyone out there about to go to prom here is the must dos :

1) Stay Hydrated!!! - Drink plenty of water and Gatorade. You need to drink enough so that any liquid you lose from going crazy on the dance floor doesn't completely dry you out.

2) Don't drink the punch!! - ok, thats a bit drastic. Don't ONLY drink the punch. Punch is filled with lots of sugar that will work against you as you try to have energy to dance the night away.

3) Eat protein! - Make sure to eat a good meal before the dance. Even if everyone wants to go somewhere fancy try to eat something you are comfortable with and with plenty of protein. Carbs will give you energy but protein will help you last all night long.

4) Eat little meals the rest of the day - Don't eat a whole bunch because that will make your body unable to process and probably give you indigestion later. Also don't eat too little because then your body won't have enough energy stored.

5) Try to do a small amount of exercise before the dance - if you have already done some light exercise that day dancing all night long won't kill your muscles.

6) DONT keep the heels on - no matter how cute your feet look and how "comfortable" they are, DONT do it!! Your feet will thank you when you can walk tomorrow.

7) Do Have Fun - no this is not the "best night of your life"... but it is still gonna be super fun!! Dance crazily, hang out with your friends, and enjoy the night - all way while looking gorgeous! (P.s Even if you don't know how to dance, Dance! Half the people there don't know how to dance either and you look weirder standing in the corner than actually jumping up and down crazy)

So those are my tips for school dances. They also work for pretty much any big event. Hopefully now that summer has begun I will now have some more time to update.

BTW, I got a new computer this week so hopefully there will be some design changes soon as well.
Thanks for reading all this time. Talk to y'all later!


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