Wake-Up Call

So I haven't posted on this blog in a while. My health condition got very complicated and I decided that I wanted to take the time to allow myself to just be a patient. I was tired of being an advocate for anyone other than myself, I was tired of life not being fair. And the world let me. I have health insurance through my parents, I was able to live at home and take the time to rest and heal. I had time to see all my specialists and figure out a specific healthcare plan that would work for me, and I also started seeing a therapist to help me develop a mental health care plan for things didn't work out. I eventually started attending school again. I had the privilege to check out and focus on me and I knew that there were enough people paying attention that I'd be ok.

Well if today wasn't a wake-up call I don't know what is.

Last night Donald Trump became the president-elect of the United States of America. I had joked about this being a possibility with friends and family. We laughed and said the world would end. But this is not a nightmare, this is reality. I woke up this morning with so much anger and hatred. I was hurt that my country could elect someone that so clearly went against everything I believe. Then I kept thinking, and reading all of the comments of scared people online. I watched Hillary Clinton speak about how we have to come together. I watched Donald Trump speak about how we had to cross the divide, and become a united country once more, that he was not only the voice of those who voted for him, but also the voice of those who hadn't. I don't agree with those who voted for trump. But I understand. I understand that people don't believe in the government. They think that they are all on their own and that people in power have forgotten who put them there. So they voted for someone they felt wasn't a part of that system. I'm not disappointed in the people that voted for him, I'm upset that there are people so frustrated and scared that they chose someone like Donald Trump. I don't like Donald Trump. I will never be his supporter. But he is going to be president, a position that in this country demands respect. I will not respect him for all of the horrible things he has said over the course of this toxic election cycle. But I will respect him for being the voice of these scared people.

I am also a scared citizen. I have a chronic health condition. And until a few years ago I could be refused health insurance because of a pre-existing health condition. I had a life term limit - which to someone who has had a health condition her entire life, is terrifying. Every procedure seemed like another hit to some unimaginable amount of money. And one day someone was going to suddenly call and say "nope that is it - you get no more money." Talk about getting well soon.
I am currently covered by my parent's health insurance. I have been given the ability to find my passion and begin a career before I am expected to pay for my own health insurance. These are all parts of ObamaCare. And I know ObamaCare isn't perfect. I've spoken to people that have said that it has made their healthcare more expensive. And they are upset and scared for the next time they get sick. When they will end up in gigantic debt for a life-saving procedure. I have that same fear. And now a lot of news outlets are saying that ObamaCare will be the first thing to go once Trump takes office.
This is not a situation of us and them. This is all of us. We all want to be able to afford health care for ourselves and our families.
I no longer have the luxury to ignore what's happening. I am going to start posting regularly on this blog again, because I know there are others out there like me that need someone to help them get through having a health condition. I'm going to be sharing my struggles and achievements with the world to show another example of someone standing up and fighting through their lot in life. I am going to reach out to others, the best thing to fight the fear is to build a community of fighters. People that agree with me, people that don't. Democrats, republicans, every race, every age, every background, you are welcome here and I want to talk to you.
I was raised by progressive parents. They are civil servants and go out every day to help run the government. I went to a charter school where I was taught to fight for what I believe in and to make our voices heard. I am privileged in that I got to attend amazing schools where I was taught to argue and think. I wasn't taught all of that to be comfortable in the majority, I was trained to give a voice to those whose cries for change are outnumbered by those who don't see the problems. I have seen the harm and the help that the government can do.
I am not special. I know that there are lots of people with my abilities and my views that will be saying similar things. I know that just by saying all this, nothing will change. But I needed to write it out. I needed there to be physical proof of my views going forward. This is not the end of the world. This is a call to action. This is a reminder that not everyone agrees with you, and that those people can not be ignored. It's time to reach out and try to find common ground. And I'm gonna start by telling you all about how I was able to go dancing 2 weeks ago with my friend, and how I ran lots of Iv fluids before and after so that I could stay out late and have fun. And how I went to the ER by myself for the first time and how I ignored how anxious and scary it was and was able to advocate for myself. Because that's all I've got. I've got stories and words. And I'm gonna use everything I've got.
You can follow me on facebook if you'd like to keep up to date with me. Later this week I'm going to post about how I've started seeing a therapist and how that has helped deal with my chronic condition. I'm also going to be trying to get in touch with any member of congress that will see me in order to discuss how best I can get involved in fighting for causes related to access to health care.  If you have a story you'd like to share or you'd like to get in touch with me you can leave a comment here or on the facebook page. You can also email me directly at agirlwithbaggage@gmail.com. Over the next couple weeks, I will be trying to make this blog easier to access and maneuver. I wish everyone a peaceful night and will talk to you soon.

Love, Celia


  1. This made me cry. What a wonderfully well written piece. I hope you're aware that the shock and sadness of today's result is all over British social media too. It is an unbelievable time. I'm sure that your writing will be therapeutic for you and those who read it. Much love and a big hug (today, of all days) X

    Ellie Martinez

  2. Very well done Celia!! Keep up the fight! We are in this together, my HD, tube and bag buddy!!


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